Utterly Gorgeous Christmas Wedding Inspiration

Utterly Gorgeous Christmas Wedding Inspiration


This week has been feeling rather festive here on the blog. We've had winter florals, holiday styling and today, we're amping it up with a gorgeous inspiration shoot ... on a Christmas tree farm!

Captured by the wonderful Unique2Chic Photography and designed by the creative Honeybee Events, if you've been wondering how to decorate your Christmas wedding in a chic and elegant way, this is the way to do it.

Decked in evergreen garlands and pomegranates, and laced with amaryllis, clementines and protea, this shoot celebrates the best of festive florals and edible decor.

From the tablescaping to the chair decor to the cake topper, every last detail is festive, but with a refined, fine art feel. Oh and look out for the pretty stationery and Mrs Box too!

Add in some gorgeous style, an adorable couple, and an awesome Christmas tree backdrop, and this shoot is perhaps our most festive, ever!

Isn't it beautiful? I love how elegant the table and chair decor is, but still really fun and festive too - and not a piece of tinsel or fairy light in sight!

Thanks so much to Unique2Chic Photography, Honeybee Events and the rest of their talented team for sharing this winter wedding inspiration with us.

Be inspired by more Styled Shoots + Real Weddings.

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