10 hot groomsgirls who showed us that girls rule and gender roles drool

10 hot groomsgirls who showed us that girls rule and gender roles drool


Our Offbeat Brides are no strangers to the gender-blind wedding party, and today we're celebrating the groomsgirls, y'all. We've seen these ladies stand up next to the groom wearing suits, dresses, and ties with dresses. Every last one of them completely rocked every last look.

We rounded up a few of them so YOU can see how a groomsgirl can own this particular little style challenge.

1. The groomsmen are wearing black, the bridesmaids are wearing purple - the groomsgirl can do both

2. Everyone on the groom's side will be wearing ties? Never a problem

3. Don't forget to make everyone feel like part of the group!

4. This wedding has a hot groomsgirl, with bonus hot bridesboy!

5. All we ask is... can everyone do rock-out hands? Good? Good

6. Check it out - groomsgirls are TAKING OVER

7. Everyone, the colors are black and silver-blue. Just mix it up

8. Groomsgirls makin' bridesmaids cry everywhere

9. The groom's party is wearing vests, three-piece suits, or kilts. And watch chains

10. Dahling, just be dramatic

So is there gonna be a groomsgirl in your wedding party? Oooo, or maybe you've been one? In either case, tell us about the pre-wedding parties, the interaction with the bridesmaids, and DEFINITELY the outfits!

Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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