Victorian Wedding #1

wedding photo - Victorian Bliss Bouquet

Victorian Bliss Bouquet

This bouquet has over 6 matching brooches in the center or each of these beautiful maroon/cranberry flowers and silver dangling pearls.This bouquet is very unique and has a beautiful contrast of color with any white or ivory dress. The Victorian blis

wedding photo - Victorian Diamond Ring, Vintage Engagement Ring, 1870's

Victorian Diamond Ring, Vintage Engagement Ring, 1870's

The Diamonds in this piece are beautifully old mine and rose cut, each is full of stunning facets that reflect light beautifully off of their surface. Made in the 1870's, this collection of diamonds are .46 Cts total and have been carefully set in a

wedding photo - Persephone


The modern Persephone Dress, by Elika In Love. This beautiful high neck lace wedding dress is perfect for a sophisticated ceremony in a garden, park, winery, or even city hall! Handmade from high quality corded lace, this modern take on a Victorian
