Signature Wedding Style Guide: A Bride's Best Friend

Signature Wedding Style Guide: A Bride's Best Friend


All brands, big and small, have a set of rules called style guidelines, which frame the way their customers experience their brand. This "brand experience" sets them apart from their competition. What is a wedding but one big experience! How do you create a seamless, professional and signature experience? You do it with a carefully planned strategy in the form of a style guide. When crafted and applied thoughtfully, this style guide defines a brand and provides a seamless thread that communicates across all media. In a nutshell, your style guide will visually and thematically tell your unique wedding story -- first to the vendors, and finally, and most importantly, to your guests.

This SIGNATURE WEDDING STYLE GUIDE should contain your initial ideas and will serve as a roadmap driving all of your important wedding decisions. It ensures a consistent vision across all touch points -- from the save the date to your send off. Think big picture with this -- you can fill in the details and update as you go.

Begin With What You Know Today

* Your Wedding 411 (date, guest count, location, etc.)
* Your Overall Vision or Theme Ideas
* Color Palette
* Budget Details
* Any Other Pertinent Details

1. Digital or DIY: Tie It Up In A Sweet Little Package

Choose a delivery method that you are skilled in and will enjoy:

2. Create a Cover:

* Web: Pinterest, Flipboard, Wedding Website
* Phone or Tablet: Keynote, PowerPoint, Pinterest, Flipboard
* Print: InDesign or Word

3. Include Your Contact Info:

First and foremost, make this beautiful. Why not use your engagement photo?

4. Make It Accessible and Printable:

It is important to include both of your full names, mailing address, home and cell numbers, email address, wedding URL and any other pertinent social media addresses.

5. Distribute to Your Vendors:

Use common file formats like PDF and standard sizes like Letter or A4. No bleeds -- leave a 0.25 inch or 0.5 inch white border around your pages, and do not use black or dark backgrounds as they use too much ink. If working on the web with Pinterest or your wedding website, just send the link to your vendors.

When complete, send a copy to all of your wedding vendors ensuring that everyone is on the same page as you put your plans in place.

Want to Create Your Own Signature Wedding Style Guide? Read HERE.

Remember to communicate changes as you go through the process. Think of the style guide as a living, breathing document. As it gets closer and closer to the wedding date, your guide will reflect your final decisions and you can replace your inspiration photos with the real deal. The result will surely be a seamless and signature wedding of your dreams!

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